Resources from DC Widow
When I started DC Widow, I did it for a number of reasons, but one of the main drivers was that I couldn’t find anything on the internet that spoke to me as a young widow. Most of the resources I initially saw were either faith-based for devout Christians or ones focused on much older people. Where were the resources for someone like me?
They existed, but it took a long time to find them. In fact, I’m still in the process of looking for more. That said, I thought it was time that there was a resource tab on my blog, because so many people have reached out in recent months looking for this kind of information.
Pulling together this section took weeks and I had a lot of help from The Cabal (my widow group), many widows I know online and many blog readers. I’d like to give a special shout-out to Jenny Lisk of the Widowed Parent Podcast who helped me find a number of great resources!
I have 7 categories – online and in-person groups for widows, online grief resources, a book list, a list for those in crisis, parenting/kid resources, a list of my popular advice blogs, and a list about dating. Are those the only categories anyone would need? No! But it’s what I’m asked about most frequently, and it’s a list of the resources I’ve found useful. Have you found something useful that’s not on my resource page? Let me know in the comments below!
Listen, these resources may or may not be helpful to you. When I texted my widow friend Laura, she gave me a list that she had. But then she wrote, “I didn’t use any of these. The resources I found helpful were friends, bourbon, and punching bags. But you probably can’t say that?”
Oh, yes I can. You do you. Of course, I don’t want anyone getting sucked into terrible situations (please see the category “For Those in Crisis” if it’s needed). But if you find yourself in a boxing ring as part of your healing – and it actually works – well, then that’s a good choice for you.
If you’d like to access my new resource page, or send it to someone who needs it, you can find it by clicking here or going to the main page of my blog and clicking “resources”.