Hello, 2022… (Part 2 of 2)
Hello, 2022.
Hello love stories.
Hello to embracing the hard things we have to face, and laughing at the joys we get to have. I think we’ll find a lot of them this year.
Hello to long runs and walks with friends, backyard barbecues with family and long adventures on bikes with Chris. We haven’t beat you yet, Covid, but we’ve learned to still have fun with you around.
Hello to letting others accompany me in my grief. No one can fix it. But you can be by my side.
Hello to love that I can see and share with you all.
Hello to seeing (and hearing!) the love between my husband and my daughter. They have a special bond, one that was forged over home school lessons and mountain biking trips and cooking in the kitchen.
Hello to being excited for other people’s joy. It’s something I really want to embrace this year.
Hello to big hugs, at least for those dearest to me.
Hello to more nights out with the Glamorous Cabal of Widows. Thank you for bringing me back to life.
Hello to embracing change. It’s not always been easy to do, but it’s part of my life now.
Hello to pure fun. Because some days call for reckless abandon and joy.
Hello to bringing meatballs. Or flowers. Or cards or sweets or extra trash bags to anyone who is grieving. I learned this from a dear friend, one who is gone too soon from this earth. But I will continue his legacy, and I will bring meatballs.
Hello to remembering what Shawn always wanted for me: to be happy.
Hello to sharing joy. Not just on our wedding day. But every day we can.
Hello to a new husband, a new last name, a new family unit. But also, hello to a family that remembers the past while embracing the future.
Hello, 2022.
Image Credit: Sharyn Peavey.

Julie S Giordano
Okay, I’m down with all the goodbyes and hellos, except one……if I had enough money to publish you, you’d be at the top of my list. Your writing is so connectable (see, I can only think of made up words to describe) to everyone. It’s truly amazing how so many of your experiences can be applied to all of us. I’ll give you a year off, next year, I want to see the book in the hello section!! Happy New Year!!
M Brimley
Well, thank you!! If you know a publisher, you can send him or her my way. In the meantime, I’ll think seriously about your encouragement – I really do appreciate it!!