• Christmas list of Tommy son of DC widow blog writer Marjorie Brimley

    Tommy’s Christmas List

    Tommy has the most insane Christmas list this year. He’s been working on it for over a month, and there are dozens of things across the two pages. He can’t spell anything, so he’s constantly asking me to help him spell things like, “Freddy Krueger claws.” That’s just the beginning. Also included are the following: a drone, a virtual reality bodysuit, a Jason mask, treasure, a phone, a motorcycle, a real elf, and $10,000. Austin keeps trying to tell him that he won’t get any of this stuff on his list, but Tommy believes in Santa. And not just any Santa. He believes in the one who does magical things.…

  • Family of DC widow blog writer in front yard before husband's death

    Excerpt from Marjorie’s Speech, “Remembering Those We Love”

    On December 1st, 2017 my husband Shawn was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer.  He never left the hospital for more than a short stint at home.  Less than six weeks later, on January 9th, 2018 he died in my arms. So to say that the holidays are fraught for me….well, that’s an understatement if I’ve ever heard one. What are you supposed to do when you’re faced with a cancer diagnosis but can see the twinkling Christmas lights from your hospital room? What are you supposed to do when you are watching all the kids walk down the street dressed up for Halloween, and your own child is gone…

  • Husband of DC widow blog writer Marjorie Brimley kisses their baby on the cheek


    Back in the late summer of 2002, when Shawn and I were falling in love, we had a night when we were laying around my apartment, talking about life. My head was in his lap, and he brushed my hair with his fingers. We sat on tatami mats, their smell slightly permeating the room, and the hum of the air conditioner came on and off throughout our conversation. We took turns asking each other the big questions. “What’s your biggest regret?” I asked him at one point. He took a deep breath, and then surprised me with his answer. “When I was in 8th grade, I was at a dance,…

  • Kitchen of DC widow blog writer Marjorie Brimley
    Missing Shawn

    Talking Football at the Kitchen Island

    The raised voices drew me closer to my kitchen counter. “No way, man, the Bears are terrible,” I heard one man say. “If you think you’re going to tell me that they are better than the Vikings, I have to remind you about that quarterback of yours!” I smiled. I was hosting an event for parents from my kids’ elementary school, and a group of men were gathered around my kitchen island. They were talking about football, I figured, and so I wasn’t really comprehending the specifics. Instead, I just listened to how they teased each other, and the good-natured laughing that interrupted their increasingly excited claims about various teams.…

  • DC widow blog writer Marjorie Brimley walks with husband Shawn on their wedding day

    “If I Die, Please Get Remarried”

    If you are married or have a long-term partner, I want you to do something right now. I want you to turn to your partner, pick up your phone, or get some paper out. And then I want you to tell your significant other this: “if I die, please get remarried.” “What?” you might be thinking, “I need some time to ponder this. Do I really want the love of my life getting remarried? What would that mean for our family/kids/dog/house? Marjorie doesn’t even know me that well! How can she ask me to do something like this?” Listen, I get it. Until Shawn got sick, I only had a…

  • Child of DC widow blog writer Marjorie Brimley lying on couch under blanket
    Missing Shawn

    So Close. And Yet So Far Away.

    Right after Shawn died, I boxed up a number of his shirts, certain that I’d do something meaningful with them.  I never did.  Even after I cleaned out his side of the closet and added even more clothes to the box, I felt paralyzed about what to do.  Then, out of nowhere, an old friend from high school contacted me to volunteer to make a quilt out of his old shirts.  I took her up on it, shipped her the clothes and forgot about it. It took a few months, but early this fall, I got the final product.  It literally took my breath away. There were his shirts, all…